The Latinx Health Outreach Advisory Council, in collaboration with Disability Rights of North Carolina, Gaston County’s Department of Health and Human Services, City of Gastonia Police Department, Healthy Blue NC, Telemundo Charlotte, and Latinos Aventureros en las Carolinas, is hosting a free community event called, “Caminemos y Rodemos Juntos Gaston/Gaston Walk and Roll Together.”
Beginning in September, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, in partnership with the Common Ground in Stanley, will offer its newest workshop designed to help older adults improve their strength and mobility, as well as build healthy eating habits.
This month, the City of Gastonia and Gaston County Government will complete the process of blending the City’s Building Inspections Department into Gaston County Government’s Department of Building and Development Services.
GPD is warning owners of Kia and Hyundai vehicles about an unusual Tik Tok challenge occurring across the Country that involves the thefts of Kias and Hyundais.
Gaston County is excited to welcome its latest global manufacturing firm to the area, announcing today that Sibo Venture (formerly known as Project Sibo) plans to invest $10 million in a facility on a 6.2-acre site in the Gastonia Technology Park.